Tips to help your business survive hurricane damage

Written by: Coastal Loss Adjusters

Tips to help your business survive hurricane damage

Hurricanes can be devastating for your business, but with help from Coastal Loss Adjusters, your company can bounce back from disaster.

By taking just a few steps to prepare, you can limit damage, protect critical data, and create an inventory of your property and all belongings.

First, if you know a storm is coming, you can board up your windows to try to limit the damage. You can also move any valuable equipment, like computers or other devices, to an upper floor if you cannot remove them altogether.

Second, you are going to want to take some photos and videos of your business. This can be used to provide a detailed list of inventory for the items inside your company.

These contents may be eligible for replacement costs in an insurance claim, so documenting your property before the storm is incredibly helpful.

Third, you will want to think about a business continuity plan. Are there certain aspects of your business that can happen away from your office? As you prepare your team for evacuation, you should consider that it could be several weeks or even months before you can return. A detailed plan for how you might continue to do business could be crucial to its survival.

Here at Coastal Loss Adjusters, we specialize in hurricane damage claims for businesses. Calling our team of licensed public adjusters right away after the storm is critical. We can take on the burden of handling each step of your claim so you can focus on your business.

When you hire Coastal Loss Adjusters, we ensure that you get the insurance settlement you deserve. You can contact our team 24/7.